Friday, August 8, 2008



Praise the Lord, my book has been sent from the Publisher to the Printer. I expect to have them by the first part of September. I have only 3 copies of the first printing left. The 2nd printing will be a larger book with added pages on the subject of suicide and an attendix with instructions for starting and operating a Precious Memories Support Ministry. The cover also has changed. The Publisher suggested we change the title from "And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears" to "No More Tears." After much prayer, I decided that the shorter title will be an attention-getter. The book has already been a blessing to many who have lost a spouse. Although it is written especially for those who have lost a spouse, some have told me of the help and comfort they have received from the book following the home-going of some other close relative or friend.
The Publisher has plans to get the book in book stores across the country. You will be able to order the books via the internet as well as directly from me. I am excited about this 2nd printing. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of "No More Tears," please contact me.

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